I have created one window,I need to create one more window on the same scene.Here is the i have written for one window
void OnGUI()
GUI.Window (0, new Rect (100,200,450,300), LoginWindow, "Login and Registration system");
/* user interface*/
void LoginWindow(int windowID)
GUI.Label (new Rect (140, 40, 130, 100), "Enter the Username");
username = GUI.TextField (new Rect (25, 60, 375, 30), username);
GUI.Label (new Rect (140, 92, 130, 100), "Enter the Password");
password = GUI.TextField(new Rect (25, 115, 375, 30), password);
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (29, 160, 175, 50), "Login"))
GUI.Label (new Rect (55, 222, 250, 100),output);
if(GUI.Button (new Rect (225, 160, 175, 50), "Register"))
Application.LoadLevel ("Registration");
How to create one more window?