GUI Gauge

Hey mates :slight_smile:

Just submitted another script to the AssetStore:

Why use simple bars as indicators when there are fancy gauges?
With this handy script you can easily gaugify any indicator you want!

You can replace the background and the needle texture of course. There also adjustable public values on the script to:

  • adjust the position the needle rotates around
  • adjust the center of the needle
  • define the start and stop rotation or the needle

You can do all that without any scripting!

Here is a example Unity webplayer:

It will be available in the next few days.
If someone needs it NOW i will put it on my shop, too (

Any feedback welcome as always!

Are you using GUITexture gameobjects or Unity’s GUI system?


You use this script on a GUITexture which will be the gauge’s background. The script itself works in OnGUI().
So i guess “both” is the right answer? :slight_smile:


I just put this product on my shop, too:
click here

Maybe i should have put some more keywords in title like tachometer, speedometer etc.
Hopefully everyone knows what a gauge is. :wink:

It’s in the AssetStore now:

Hope you like it :slight_smile: