I am Trying to make a health bar with a frame around it so that it has some cool effects to it. This is the code I have managed to make so far but when I try to add my lion heads to the end I cant get it alinged because im using Screen.Width/5. The next number is to far away that it makes it show out of place. If I try to put in a .5 it says its not the correct format.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour {
public int maxHealth = 100;//The max health of the player.
public int curHealth = 100;// The current health of the player this number will be altered by the code to respond with damage and health packs.
public float healthBarLength;//The length of the health bar.
public Texture2D background; // Allows you to place a textuer in, in the Inspector
public Texture2D foreground;//Allows you to place a texture in, in th;e inspector
public Texture2D lion;//Allows you to place a texture in, in th;e inspector
void Start () // Use this for initialization, when the game stats what is displayed here will be loaded.
healthBarLength = Screen.width /2; // The healthBarLength will be 1/2 the screens width.
void Update () // Update is called once per frame, to update information we are sending and receving.
AddjustCurrentHealth(0); // Calls appon AddjustCurHealth function to update the health.
void OnGUI()// set up for working with items in the GUI
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(30, 10,Screen.width/5, 20), background);
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(10, 10,Screen.width/5, 20), lion);
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(30, 10, healthBarLength, 20), foreground,ScaleMode.StretchToFill);
public void AddjustCurrentHealth(int adj)//This function will allows us to alter our current health outside this script.
curHealth += adj;//This is to recieve heals or dammage to the CurHealth. The number is passed in then assigned to curHealth.
if(curHealth < 0)//Checks if the players health has gone below 0.
curHealth = 0;// If players health has gone below 0 set it to 0.
if(curHealth> maxHealth)//Checks if player health is higher then maxHealth.
curHealth = maxHealth;//If players health is higher then maxHealth set it = to maxHeatlh
if(maxHealth <1)//Checks if maxHealth is set to less then 1.
maxHealth = 1;//If maxHealth is set below 1, this sets it to 1.
healthBarLength = (Screen.width /5) * (curHealth / (float)maxHealth); // The full length of the bar * % of cur health.