GUI Label not showing in window

I recently started to learn Unity a few days ago, have already learned a lot through Q&A on this site, and tutorials.

I’m making a dummy game to learn to make endless runners with seamless terrains. I’ve got colliders good, terrains are seamless. The one annoying issue I’m having is a simple, no-brainer Label.

I’m sorting through the Android resolution problems and text size issues. The label is telling how far my cube travels. This question is more of a convenience type issue, as it works on my GS4 without any issues, but the label does not display in the Game tab in Unity.

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class metersScript : MonoBehaviour {

	static int width = Screen.width;
	static int height = Screen.height;

	public GUIStyle foureighty;
	public GUIStyle eighthundred;
	public GUIStyle thousandtwentyfour; 
	public GUIStyle twelveeighty;
	public GUIStyle nineteentwenty;
	public int meters;
	public Transform target;

	void Update(){
		meters = (int)target.transform.position.x;

	void OnGUI(){
		if (width == 480) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(width/width * 10, height/height * 10, 100,50), meters  + "M", foureighty);
		} else if (width == 800) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(width/width * 10, height/height * 10, 100,50), "1602M", eighthundred);
		} else if (width == 1024) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(width/width * 10, height/height * 10, 100,50), "1703M", thousandtwentyfour);
		} else if (width == 1280) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(width/width * 10, height/height * 10, 100,50), "1804M", twelveeighty);
		} else if (width == 1920) {
			GUI.Label(new Rect(width/width * 10, height/height * 10, 100,50), meters  + "M", nineteentwenty);

For some reason, only the 480 width is working in the Game tab, the 1920 doesn’t work in the Game tab but it does work on my phone when I build and run it.

Any advice is appreciated.

Probably there are something wrong with GUIStyles for 800 - 1920 width.
And another one thing - I don’t understand why you devide: width/width and height/height? It always gives 1 or here is mistake?