gui label on/off with timer

I’m guessing it’s a simple issue, I’m basically trying to show a GUI label for only 5 seconds then disappear, works but, once you replace the errorLabel variable with something else then timer doesnt get renewed for the full 5 seconds and once its off it cant be turned on for also 5 seconds or so it seems, any ideas?

void OnGUI ()
	if(errorLabel != "")
IEnumerator RemoveLabel()
	yield return new WaitForSeconds (5);
	errorLabel = "";

You start many Coroutine each frame, so far variable “errorLabel” is not equal “”. And better, transfer code in Update(). I write simple example:

 private string errorLabel = "Error";
 private bool isCor = false; //for Coroutine check start/stop

 void Update() {
  if(errorLabel != "" && !isCor) {

 IEnumerator RemoveLabel() {
  isCor = true;
  yield return new WaitForSeconds (5);
  errorLabel = "";
  isCor = false;

 void OnGUI() {
  //Show error
  if (errorLabel != "") {
   GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 150, 70), errorLabel);

I hope that it will help you.