I’m still learning Unity and C# so I need help with this. I’m creating a main menu which I want it to say play game, you click on it then host or refresh and if you click host I want another page of settings to start hosting the server, but instead when I click Play Game it skips the page with Host and Refresh and goes straight to the Host menu. I was wondering how I would change my code or add something to it to allow me to do what I want. All the codes are in bits because I’m only including what I think is needed. C#
private string clicked = "";
private void OnGUI()
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1.3f/18.55f),Screen.height * (50.08f/100.3f),Screen.width * (1.05f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.45f/7.0f)),"Play Game"))
//code on what to do after clicked play
clicked = "Play Game";
else if (clicked == "Play Game")
GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1.3f/18.55f),Screen.height * (50.08f/100.3f),Screen.width * (1.05f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.45f/7.0f)),"Host");
//What to do when Host is clicked
clicked = "Host";
My first advice, avoid string for states but maybe an enum or some booleans. First because it is slower than enum and second because you are more prone to error since an enum will not let you use anything else than what is in.
Now for your issue:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
enum State{
Play, HostRef, HostInfo
State current;
void Start(){
current = State.Play;
void OnGUI(){
if(current ==State.Play){
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1.3f/18.55f),Screen.height * (50.08f/100.3f),Screen.width * (1.05f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.45f/7.0f)),"Play Game"))
//code on what to do after clicked play
current = State.HostRef;
}else if(current ==State.HostRef){
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1.3f/18.55f),Screen.height * (50.08f/100.3f),Screen.width * (1.05f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.45f/7.0f)),"Hosting"))
//code on what to do after clicked play
current = State.HostInfo;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width * (1.3f/18.55f),Screen.height * (50.08f/100.3f)*1.5f,Screen.width * (1.05f/6.55f), Screen.height * (0.45f/7.0f)),"Refresh"))
//code on what to do after clicked play
current = State.Play;
}else if(current == State.HostInfo){
// Host info page
I assume Refresh is for going back but you put your own logic there