Ive got an enemy game object and when it dies I want it to send a message to the GUI layer on my main character to say its dead, where shuld I start?
You don’t really send anything to the GUILayer directly.
If you meant GUITexture, then you need to use something like:
var goGUI: GUITexture = GameObject.Find("MainCharacter").GetComponent(GUITexture);
If not- use the built in GUI system inside Unity…
Lets say you display all your game GUI with a single script called DisplayGUI.js that is assigned to a game object called GameGUI.
Inside DisplayGui.js add:
private var bDisplayMessage: boolean = false;
private var strEnemyName: String;
function OnGUI()
if (bDisplayMessage)
GUI.Label(Rect(Screen.width * 0.5 - 100, Screen.height * 0.5, 200, 50), strEnemyName + " just died!");
function DisplayDeath(strName: String)
strEnemyName = strName;
bDisplayMessage = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(5);
bDisplayMessage = false;
Then, in the script that determines when you enemy dies add:
var gui: DisplayGUI = GameObject.Find("GameGUI").GetComponent(DisplayGUI);
This is a really simple (and wastefull) code, but it should get you started.
I didn’t have time to actually test this in unity, so if there’s a problem, let me know.
There appears to be a problem, startcoroutine is not a member of GUI…
function StartDisplay(strName: String)
function DisplayDeath(strName: String)
strEnemyName = strName;
bDisplayMessage = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(5);
bDisplayMessage = false;
and then:
var myGUI: DisplayGUI = GameObject.Find("GameGUI").GetComponent(DisplayGUI);