gui not showing up

I’m making a game in which when you touch the flag with your player, you win.
I want to create a gui when the player touches the flag.
This is my code:

static var Win : boolean = false;
function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
    if (other.tag == "PLAYER"){
    Win = true;

function OnGUI(){
if ("Win" == true){
GUI.Box (Rect(0,0,100,100),"You Win!!!");

I attach this to the flag. But nothing happens…
What am i doing wrong?


if ("Win" == true){


if (Win) {

“Win” is a string, not a variable. Booleans like Win are true or false, so you don’t need to explicitly compare it to true.

If you put

#prama strict

at the top of your script, it would warn you about this type of thing.