Hi there!
I have character who is been moving by ClickToMove script and i searched around the web and pretty much on Unity Answers and doc. And i couldn’t find anything that works for me.
So, i wanna create ar circle (2d texture or some simple black point - dont care)… leave a mark on clicked position, when player moves to position the circle disapears…
I dont want to someone code the script for me, but i would be very happy to give me some direction to look at. LineRenderer i think wouldn’t be the right thing or just i have no idea how to use it in this situation, also tried projector - no success.
Ideal for my case would be : click > show texture > character reach destination > remove texture. The thing is - I dont know how to show that texture on plane.
Can someone suggest something for me?
Perfect would be c# example.
Thanks. Sorry about english