GUI placement problems for android.

Sorry if it have been asked before but I was not able to find an answer for this problem – a proper one that is.

I am using the default FPS player provided in the Standard Mobile Assets. So it have these two pads with which you control the fps player, I can arrange them in the unity and I use the remote to test the game on my phones and it appears exactly as in the screen. But When I made a I found out the gui(s) were out of their place.

They were supposed to be in the corners (as they appeared in the unity) but in the build they were in the center.

And I can’t set a permanent position for them because Androids come in like hundreds of models they should get arranged such that they work universally.

Hope I managed to explain this weird problem.

Not seen that asset but all GUIs using GUITexture and GUIText should be always (or most of the times) in correct positions but for anything inside an OnGUI call you should calculate it yourself and put values in your rect.
for example top right of the screen for a 100X100 texture would have a place of new Rect(Screen.width-100,0,100,100)