GUI Remove focus from an editor text field when clicking elsewhere.

How do you remove the focus from an editor text field when the user clicks outside of it? I know you can set the control focus to null; what I’m not sure about is how to know if the mouse click is outside the focused text field.

As a side note, the text fields are in an editor script, and they are generated on demand; they are not static, rather their amount and position changes as needed.


I read through several posts and I found a working solution after some hours.

I ran into the problem that a focus on a Textfield was not removed while clicking anywhere on the main editor window. This cause many issues if you want to create a editor window with clickable areas, but non GUI elements. I wrote a EditorWindow tool to control about 100 variables over a day and night cycle with manually drawn animation curves.


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class Test : EditorWindow {
	public string s;
	public Rect windoClickArea = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);

	static void Init() {
		// Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
		Test window = (Test)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(Test));

	void OnGUI() {

		// define click area
		Event e = Event.current;
		windoClickArea = GUI.Window(0, windoClickArea, drawWindow, "MyWindow");
		if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && windoClickArea.Contains(e.mousePosition)) {
		//click area visible
		EditorGUI.DrawRect(windoClickArea, Color.gray);

		// Any Text Field over the predefined click area
		s = EditorGUILayout.TextField("", s);

	void drawWindow(int aID) {
		// it's a dummy proc

Activate the focus on the textfield and click on the lite gray area.

@Quatum1000 's code will work in Unity 2017.4, but It takes seconds to deselect the window, I have better solution inspired by him.

//make sure the following code is at the very end of OnGUI Function
if (GUI.Button(theWholeWindowRect, "", GUIStyle.none))

Here is the answer for Unity 2022.3.4f1, when used inside an EditorWindow (position is a Rect):

if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && position.Contains(GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(Event.current.mousePosition)))

This immediately re-draws the window after focus is lost, which is the “delay” that @tinysnake noted in their answer.