Set your Canvas to scale with screen size. This will propably make your UI look ugly. Thdn you have to rearange them so that they look good again.
For your next mobile games you should set the Canvas scaling to scale with screen size before you design your UI
float ratio = resY / resX;
float baseRatio = baseResY / baseResX;
foreach (GameObject g in TS)
g.transform.localScale = new Vector2(resX / baseResX, resY/baseResY);
foreach (GameObject g in Menu)
g.transform.localScale = new Vector2(resX / baseResX, resY / baseResY);
foreach (GameObject g in Settings)
g.transform.localScale = new Vector2(resX / baseResX, resY / baseResY);
newPage = Menu[0];
this is just a snipped of code i wrote to solve a very similar situation. It scales the background (and therefore the children) based on current device resolution compared to a resolution that I originally designed the app for. I had a similar problem as you where I was trying to fill in text onto a form in very specific locations and screen resolution really messed up the placement of the text. Ill admit it gets a bit ugly when taken to extremes, but it solves the issue of objects not being in “exactly” the right place. you MUST have your canvas set to constant pixel size for this to work. The key is to use a specific resolution when designing the GUI (for me it was 1080x2160 portrait).