GUI scrollbar help!

i have found a scrip of the Vertical Scrollbar. But i'm kind of confused where to put the content of the scrollbar? like texts and images that can be scrolled vertically

here's the gui part of my code

function OnGUI() { = customSkin;
if(openWindow) {


function InstructionWin(windowID:int) {
sbar=GUI.VerticalScrollbar (Rect (25, 100, 100, 200), sbar, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0);



function OnMouseUp() {

If you don't want a simple scrollbar, but an area which can scroll some content, you should use GUILayout.BeginScrollView() instead:

var scrollPos:Vector2;
function OnGUI() {
   GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scrollPos ); // Starts the scrolled area
      // GUI contents that need to be scrolled
   GUILayout.EndScrollView(); // Ends the scrolled area