GUI Text appear OnTriggerEnter?

Ok. So I have been practicing Unity-Script and i thought this script would work for the player upon entering a trigger that it would show a GUI text. Well, it didn’t work. Here is the raw code:
#pragma strict

var Text : GUIText;

function Start ()
	Text.enabled = false;

function OnTriggerEnter (Col : Collider)
	if (Col.tag == "Player")
		Text.enabled = true;

function OnTriggerExit (Col : Collider)
	Text.enabled = false;

I honestly thought it would work and yes i do have the character controller set to Player as the tag. Any help on this?

Hi again, Try this:

var Text : GUIText;

function Start ()
Text.enabled = false; //You could also disable the GUI text in the inspector i wouldn't disable it on start if there is no reason

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider) 
	if(other.collider.tag == "Player") 
    Text.enabled = true;

function OnTriggerExit () //No need to use col and collder here just ontriggerexit
Text.enabled = false;