I’m new to java scripting and game design in general, so I can’t seem to figure out the issue with this script I wrote.
var clicked = false;
var time = true;
var seconds = 5;
function Start ()
clicked = false;
time = true;
if (gameObject.GetComponent(Collider) == null)
function OnMouseDown()
clicked = true;
function OnMouseUp()
time = false;
function Update()
if (clicked == true)
GUI.Label(new Rect(350,250,400,100), "Door seems to be blocked..");
if (time == false)
yield WaitForSeconds(seconds);
clicked = false;
I can run the game, and it says that the variable “time” is true when the game loads and then false when the game object I put the script on is clicked. Likewise, the “isClicked” variable is checked in the inspector when the gameobject is clicked, but there is no countdown of the 5 seconds. I’m also getting an error about Update() cannot be used as a Coroutine. I looked on the unity wiki and saw that functions run over a period of a single frame while Coroutines kind of spread the time out, which makes sense because I’m using a script that takes place over a period of time. But I can’t figure out how to use a Coroutine. Any help would be appreciated.