I seem to be having a bit of a problem getting a TextField editable in the inspector. I have gotten it to display and it also seems to be connected properly to the public property I declared in my action script as well as being referenced properly in the spawning method as I am not getting any compiler errors.
The only problem I still have is that whenever I enter any text into the text field on the inspector it disappears when I click away (or even when I press enter).
Im sorry, Im quite a noob at programming so its proabably something very stupid I am doing wrong.
Here are my code snippets to help you get a better image of the whole scenario:
Definition of public string property in main Action script:
public string PoolName;
Using public string property in the spawning method of main Action script:
Transform NexProjectile = PoolManager.Pools[PoolName].Spawn(projectile.transform, transform.position, transform.rotation);
Declaring it in the Editor script:
public SerializedProperty PoolName;
Calling it up in the void method of the Editor script:
Assigning it to the inspector in the Editor script:
EditorGUILayout.TextField(“Pool Name”, aS.PoolName);
Please any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated, as I dont know where or what I am doing wrong and cant seem to figure out just how to make the Text Field editable.
Thanks in advance for any and all help and advice.