Hello, I am having this issue where my text field appears on the screen, but i can not enter text into it. I have been looking for the problem for hours but have had no luck! I think one of you smarties out there would be able to help
Here’s my script (It’s in C#):
public class Database : MonoBehaviour {
public static string user = "";
private string password = "", rePass = "", message = "";
private void OnGUI(){
if(message != ""){
GUILayout.Box (message);
GUILayout.Label ("Username");
user = GUILayout.TextField(user);
GUILayout.Label ("Password");
user = GUILayout.PasswordField(password, "*"[0]);
GUILayout.Label ("Re-Enter Password");
user = GUILayout.PasswordField(rePass, "*"[0]);
If anyone could tell me why this isn’t working then i will be extremely grateful!