GUI Texture small?

When I create a GUI Texture and replace the Unity default texture graphic with my own, the graphic I use looks way smaller than it should. For example if import a graphic that’s 300x300, it appears like its 50x50 in my camera. I tried adjusting the Z axis but that doesn’t change the size of the texture.

The only way I see to fix this is to increase the Scale size of the GUI Texture, but then the graphic looks distorted or stretched. Any suggestions?

Adjust the X,Y,Width, and Height properties under Pixel Inset. This is shown in the inspector when you select the GUITexture. Width and Height should be the width and height of your original image. X and Y can be whatever you want, depending on where you want the image located.

Thanks for replying avidesk,

The issue Im running into is this:
Under Inspector > Pixel Insert > Width and Height is exactly my image’s pixel width and height. X and Y are set to 0. If my “Scale” under Transform is 1x1 the image is still stretched. So far the only way I can get it to Scale correctly is to manually adjust the Scale till it looks right.

Maybe something is wrong with my camera that’s making it look like it’s stretched?

Resolution of the camera?

renman3000, The game resolution is set at 1360x768. the Projection of the camera is Perspective and the Field of View is 60.