GUI textures compression/artifacting problem

Hey everyone,

I’m having a problem with GUItextures on the iPhone having strange jpeg-compression-looking artifacts. I’m not having any problem with the quality of textures presented to the screen via planes/cubes with a camera looking at them, only with GUItextures. They look fine in the editor.

I thought maybe it had something to do with filtering or the project quality settings. I tried setting the filtering on the texture from none to bilinear to trilinear… no change. I also tried looking at the quality settings for “Good” and it was already on Full Res. iPhone builds by default at “Good”, right?

Anywho, I can’t quite figure it out. Has anyone come across this grainy/artifact-filled problem?

iPhone builds don’t have a quality level
there is just 1 quality

The artifact you are seeing from the default import settings.
Just open them on the texture and change it from compressed to a regular RGB format, that should solve it.
Texture compression is superb for textures you have on 3D models but might not be that well suited on things you need pixel perfect like gui.

Good stuff. Thanks bud.