gui whit 2 differnt command

how can I add a second command but to start in the second click?
is not with the first command (Fire1)

   function OnGUI() 
   if(GUI.Button(Rect (375,250,100,50), "FIRE")) 
   messagebroadcast (fire1)


Second comand for second click

  messagebroadcast (fire2)
var labels : Array = ["FIRE1", "FIRE2"];
var events : Array = [fire1, fire2];
var fireId : int = 0;

if(GUI.Button(Rect (375,250,100,50), labels[fireId])) 
   messagebroadcast (events[fireId]);

   fireId = 1-fireId;

Bit tired, sorry for possible typos or idiocies… :roll:

:shock: :shock: thanks !!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

can you healp me with this ?

is equal .

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 60;

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 20;

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 10;

Im sorry , but im new in javascript

Hahah, you need to be bit more specific with that question :lol:

If you mean similar toggle button action,… consider that homework :wink: (I am going to sleep)

is the same for first-gui … only that broadcast message I did not understand well … and now I need zoom …

if(GUI.Button(Rect (375,250,100,50), “FIRE”))

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 60;

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 20;

Camera.main.fieldOfView = 10;

Something like this, perhaps:

var fieldsOfView = [60.0, 20.0, 10.0];
var currentFoVIndex = 0;

function OnGUI()
	if(GUI.Button(Rect(375, 250, 100, 50), "FIRE"))
		// The next line cycles through all the values in fieldsOfView:
		currentFoVIndex = ++currentFoVIndex % fieldsOfView.Length;
		Camera.main.fieldOfView = fieldsOfView[currentFoVIndex];

thank you very much i am grateful for the help …

the script is perfect and is how I needed!

I have a question, I searched the documentation but have not found anything,

currentFoVIndex what it do ?

It’s a variable that I defined on the second line of the script. I’m using it to keep track of which entry I’m looking at in the fieldsOfView array.

ok i andrstand .
