GUIButton (outline) constant glowing/flashing?

Hey guys,
I just wanted to know how to get this effect where the outline of a GUIButton is constantly glowing/flashing. To make it more simpler to understand, here is a video of a game which has this:


I have already set the time in youtube to where this is taking place so you can see right from the start that the button is flashing orange color throughout on hover. Also, if the video is taking time, just be patient since it is a very long video so it may be buffering for some of you.

Thanks for the help in advance!



I’ve not read of an easy way to do this, but you can flash a texture that is somewhat larger in the background of a button:

var tex1 : Texture;
var tex2 : Texture;

var flashSpeed = 3.0;

function OnGUI() {
	GUI.color = Color(1,1,1,(Mathf.Sin(Time.time * flashSpeed) + 1)/ 2.0);
 	GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(95,95, 210, 60), tex2);
 	GUI.color = Color.white;
    if (GUI.Button(Rect(100,100,200,50), tex1))

Note the default button has some transparency, so you would either have to define a new GUIStyle using a texture without transparency, or you would have to cut out the center of the flashing texture so you only had a frame around the button.