Im trying to use the Unity Transport package and have unity as a server, and connect to it with a JS client.
So far the JS client connects successfully to the server but the server itself does not show any new connections.
I wondered if there was any way I could actually show the JS client as a connection, seeing as they are actually connected to the websocket driver.
My ultimate goal is to be able to create a Jobified Server like the one below:
Would creating a custom WebSocketInterface help?
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Jobs;
namespace Unity.Networking.Transport
public struct WebSocketNetworkInterface : INetworkInterface
// In all platforms but WebGL this network interface is just a TCPNetworkInterface in disguise.
// The websocket protocol is in fact implemented in the WebSocketLayer. For WebGL this interface is
// implemented in terms of javascript bindings, it does not support Bind()/Listen() and the websocket protocol
// is implemented by the browser.
TCPNetworkInterface tcp;
public NetworkEndpoint LocalEndpoint => tcp.LocalEndpoint;
internal ConnectionList CreateConnectionList() => tcp.CreateConnectionList();
public int Initialize(ref NetworkSettings settings, ref int packetPadding) => tcp.Initialize(ref settings, ref packetPadding);
public int Bind(NetworkEndpoint endpoint) => tcp.Bind(endpoint);
public int Listen() => tcp.Listen();
public void Dispose() => tcp.Dispose();
public JobHandle ScheduleReceive(ref ReceiveJobArguments arguments, JobHandle dep) => tcp.ScheduleReceive(ref arguments, dep);
public JobHandle ScheduleSend(ref SendJobArguments arguments, JobHandle dep) => tcp.ScheduleSend(ref arguments, dep);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Networking.Transport.Logging;
using Unity.Networking.Transport.Relay;
namespace Unity.Networking.Transport
public struct WebSocketNetworkInterface : INetworkInterface
private const string DLL = "__Internal";
static class WebSocket
public static int s_NextSocketId = 0;
[DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketCreate")]
public static extern void Create(int sockId, IntPtr addrData, int addrSize);
[DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketDestroy")]
public static extern void Destroy(int sockId);
[DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketSend")]
public static extern int Send(int sockId, IntPtr data, int size);
[DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketRecv")]
public static extern int Recv(int sockId, IntPtr data, int size);
[DllImport(DLL, EntryPoint = "js_html_utpWebSocketIsConnected")]
public static extern int IsConnectionReady(int sockId);
unsafe struct InternalData
public NetworkEndpoint ListenEndpoint;
public int ConnectTimeoutMS; // maximum time to wait for a connection to complete
// If non-empty, will connect to this hostname with the wss:// protocol. Otherwise the
// IP address of the endpoint is used to connect with the ws:// protocol.
public FixedString512Bytes SecureHostname;
unsafe struct ConnectionData
public int Socket;
public long ConnectStartTime;
private NativeReference<InternalData> m_InternalData;
// Maps a connection id from the connection list to its connection data.
private ConnectionDataMap<ConnectionData> m_ConnectionMap;
// List of connection information carried over to the layer above
private ConnectionList m_ConnectionList;
internal ConnectionList CreateConnectionList()
m_ConnectionList = ConnectionList.Create();
return m_ConnectionList;
public unsafe NetworkEndpoint LocalEndpoint => m_InternalData.Value.ListenEndpoint;
public bool IsCreated => m_InternalData.IsCreated;
public unsafe int Initialize(ref NetworkSettings settings, ref int packetPadding)
var networkConfiguration = settings.GetNetworkConfigParameters();
// This needs to match the value of Unity.Networking.Transport.WebSocket.MaxPayloadSize
packetPadding += 14;
var secureHostname = new FixedString512Bytes();
if (settings.TryGet<RelayNetworkParameter>(out var relayParams) && relayParams.ServerData.IsSecure != 0)
// Shouldn't be required for normal use cases but is provided as an out in case the user
// wants to override the hostname (useful if say the user ended up resolving the Relay's
// hostname on their own instead of providing it directly in the Relay parameters).
if (settings.TryGet<TLS.SecureNetworkProtocolParameter>(out var secureParams))
var state = new InternalData
ListenEndpoint = NetworkEndpoint.AnyIpv4,
ConnectTimeoutMS = networkConfiguration.connectTimeoutMS * networkConfiguration.maxConnectAttempts,
SecureHostname = secureHostname,
m_InternalData = new NativeReference<InternalData>(state, Allocator.Persistent);
m_ConnectionMap = new ConnectionDataMap<ConnectionData>(1, default, Allocator.Persistent);
return 0;
public unsafe int Bind(NetworkEndpoint endpoint)
var state = m_InternalData.Value;
state.ListenEndpoint = endpoint;
m_InternalData.Value = state;
return 0;
public unsafe int Listen()
return 0;
public unsafe void Dispose()
for (int i = 0; i < m_ConnectionMap.Length; ++i)
public JobHandle ScheduleReceive(ref ReceiveJobArguments arguments, JobHandle dep)
return new ReceiveJob
ReceiveQueue = arguments.ReceiveQueue,
InternalData = m_InternalData,
ConnectionList = m_ConnectionList,
ConnectionMap = m_ConnectionMap,
Time = arguments.Time,
struct ReceiveJob : IJob
public PacketsQueue ReceiveQueue;
public NativeReference<InternalData> InternalData;
public ConnectionList ConnectionList;
public ConnectionDataMap<ConnectionData> ConnectionMap;
public long Time;
private void Abort(ref ConnectionId connectionId, ref ConnectionData connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason reason = default)
ConnectionList.FinishDisconnecting(ref connectionId, reason);
ConnectionMap.ClearData(ref connectionId);
public unsafe void Execute()
// Update each connection from the connection list
var count = ConnectionList.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var connectionId = ConnectionList.ConnectionAt(i);
var connectionState = ConnectionList.GetConnectionState(connectionId);
if (connectionState == NetworkConnection.State.Disconnected)
var connectionData = ConnectionMap[connectionId];
// Detect if the upper layer is requesting to connect.
if (connectionState == NetworkConnection.State.Connecting)
// The time here is a signed 64bit and we're never going to run at time 0 so if the connection
// has ConnectStartTime == 0 it's the creation of this connection data.
if (connectionData.ConnectStartTime == 0)
var socket = ++WebSocket.s_NextSocketId;
GetServerAddress(connectionId, out var address);
WebSocket.Create(socket, (IntPtr)address.GetUnsafePtr(), address.Length);
connectionData.ConnectStartTime = Time;
connectionData.Socket = socket;
// Check if the WebSocket connection is established.
var status = WebSocket.IsConnectionReady(connectionData.Socket);
if (status > 0)
ConnectionList.FinishConnectingFromLocal(ref connectionId);
else if (status < 0)
ConnectionList.StartDisconnecting(ref connectionId);
Abort(ref connectionId, ref connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason.MaxConnectionAttempts);
// Disconnect if we've reached the maximum connection timeout.
if (Time - connectionData.ConnectStartTime >= InternalData.Value.ConnectTimeoutMS)
ConnectionList.StartDisconnecting(ref connectionId);
Abort(ref connectionId, ref connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason.MaxConnectionAttempts);
ConnectionMap[connectionId] = connectionData;
// Detect if the upper layer is requesting to disconnect.
if (connectionState == NetworkConnection.State.Disconnecting)
Abort(ref connectionId, ref connectionData);
// Read data from the connection if we can. Receive should return chunks of up to MTU.
// Close the connection in case of a receive error.
var endpoint = ConnectionList.GetConnectionEndpoint(connectionId);
var nbytes = 0;
while (true)
// No need to disconnect in case the receive queue becomes full just let the TCP socket buffer
// the incoming data.
if (!ReceiveQueue.EnqueuePacket(out var packetProcessor))
nbytes = WebSocket.Recv(connectionData.Socket, (IntPtr)(byte*)packetProcessor.GetUnsafePayloadPtr() + packetProcessor.Offset, packetProcessor.BytesAvailableAtEnd);
if (nbytes > 0)
packetProcessor.ConnectionRef = connectionId;
packetProcessor.EndpointRef = endpoint;
packetProcessor.SetUnsafeMetadata(nbytes, packetProcessor.Offset);
if (nbytes < 0)
// Disconnect
ConnectionList.StartDisconnecting(ref connectionId);
Abort(ref connectionId, ref connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason.ClosedByRemote);
// Update the connection data
ConnectionMap[connectionId] = connectionData;
// Get the address to connect to for the given connection. If not using TLS, then this
// is just "ws://{address}:{port}" where address/port are taken from the connection's
// endpoint in the connection list. But if using TLS, then the hostname provided in the
// secure parameters overrides the address, and we connect to "wss://{hostname}:{port}"
// (with the port still taken from the connection's endpoint in the connection list).
private void GetServerAddress(ConnectionId connection, out FixedString512Bytes address)
var endpoint = ConnectionList.GetConnectionEndpoint(connection);
var secureHostname = InternalData.Value.SecureHostname;
if (secureHostname.IsEmpty)
address = FixedString.Format("ws://{0}", endpoint.ToFixedString());
address = FixedString.Format("wss://{0}:{1}", secureHostname, endpoint.Port);
public JobHandle ScheduleSend(ref SendJobArguments arguments, JobHandle dep)
return new SendJob
SendQueue = arguments.SendQueue,
ConnectionList = m_ConnectionList,
ConnectionMap = m_ConnectionMap,
unsafe struct SendJob : IJob
public PacketsQueue SendQueue;
public ConnectionList ConnectionList;
public ConnectionDataMap<ConnectionData> ConnectionMap;
private void Abort(ref ConnectionId connectionId, ref ConnectionData connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason reason = default)
ConnectionList.FinishDisconnecting(ref connectionId, reason);
ConnectionMap.ClearData(ref connectionId);
public void Execute()
// Each packet is sent individually. The connection is aborted if a packet cannot be transmiited
// entirely.
var count = SendQueue.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var packetProcessor = SendQueue[i];
if (packetProcessor.Length == 0)
var connectionId = packetProcessor.ConnectionRef;
var connectionState = ConnectionList.GetConnectionState(connectionId);
if (connectionState != NetworkConnection.State.Connected)
var connectionData = ConnectionMap[connectionId];
var nbytes = WebSocket.Send(connectionData.Socket, (IntPtr)(byte*)packetProcessor.GetUnsafePayloadPtr() + packetProcessor.Offset, packetProcessor.Length);
if (nbytes != packetProcessor.Length)
// Disconnect
ConnectionList.StartDisconnecting(ref connectionId);
Abort(ref connectionId, ref connectionData, Error.DisconnectReason.ClosedByRemote);
ConnectionMap[connectionId] = connectionData;