Guide: Setup Unity / Rider / Mono on Fedora 41 (Linux)


it took me a couple days to get this running, so I figure that I might share it now for others, who want to escape ubuntu, like I have.

If you install mono-complete from fedoras repository, you’ll find that it doesn’t come with msbuild, which can become a major pain point if you don’t really care about the tooling behind your setup - until it doesn’t work. Like I did. So…

First, install mono

sudo rdf install mono-complete

Now you’ll run into the problem that mono does not actually come with msbuild, which you’ll need if you want to use rider (not sure about other IDEs). But you can download it separately here

Unzip and copy the folder “msbuild” into


so now you sould have a directory named


Then configure Rider under Settings => Build, Execution, Deployment => Toolset and Build

I’m not actually sure, if you need dotnet for this to work, but if you do, I recommend the installer script from microsoft, which you’ll get here

and then you can just move into its download directory and use it. I installed dotnet 2.2 like this --channel 2.2

By default, the dotnet CLI executable should end up in your home directory under .dotnet/dotnet as you can see in my rider config above.

Now you should be good. Have fun coding.