Guides for create stylize visual in HDRP


I mostly work with URP, but I really like all the features available in HDRP right now, such as cloud layers, volumetric light, APV, etc.

My problem is that there aren’t many resources available to teach users how to work with HDRP, especially for creating stylized visuals.

While it’s possible for users like me to inject custom lighting logic in ShaderGraph or even rewrite a custom lit shader in URP (it’s time-consuming but doable), it’s not feasible to do this in HDRP, at least for me.

So having some guides to create stylized visuals (whether through ShaderGraph or post-processing, custom pass) in HDRP would be super awesome for people aiming for this kind of style and also wanting to work with HDRP for those HDRP-only features.

Thank you.

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+1 for this. My interest is using HDRP tools for nailing down the target look during development, which can then be faked/baked for use at runtime, applied to specific high-end platform builds, and/or used for pre-rendered cases (trailers, special cutscenes, etc). The earlier tutorial introducing this approach was very enlightening :slight_smile:

Hi, we don’t have guide written regarding this, but there is the toon shader package: Unity Toon Shader overview | Unity Toon Shader | 0.9.7-preview that could be download and check to see how they have done it. I am not aware of other resources, but it sitll possible it exist.


You can as well check the Custom pass examples:
-By code: GitHub - alelievr/HDRP-Custom-Passes: A bunch of custom passes made for HDRP
-Using Shader Graph and the new Full Screen Master Node in 22LTS available directly in Editor in the Samples of the HDRP package accessible from the Package Manager

As well as a few references from users:

Christopher Sims’ stylized shader for HDRP

Asset Store: