GUILayout.BeginScrollView not scrolling

GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(new Vector2(190, 0), new Vector2(718, 558)));
scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);

            //race name
            GUILayout.TextArea("Race Name:", titletext);
            raceName = GUILayout.TextField(raceName, GUILayout.Width(160), GUILayout.Height(30));

            //race discription
            GUILayout.TextArea("Discription:", titletext);
            discription = GUILayout.TextField(discription, GUILayout.Width(650), GUILayout.Height(350));

            //posible names to choose from
            //male, female and last names
            GUILayout.TextArea("Male Name (Seperated by ',')", titletext);
            maleName = GUILayout.TextField(maleName, GUILayout.Width(650), GUILayout.Height(120));
            GUILayout.TextArea("Feale Name (Seperated by ',')", titletext);
            femaleName = GUILayout.TextField(femaleName, GUILayout.Width(650), GUILayout.Height(120));
            GUILayout.TextArea("Clan Name (Seperated by ',')", titletext);
            lastName = GUILayout.TextField(lastName, GUILayout.Width(650), GUILayout.Height(120));


I just copy and pasted your code into my test script and i have no problems scrolling. Since you made the description fields that large i guess you want to be able to use multiple lines. In that case you have to use TextArea instead of TextField. TextField is for single line text and TextArea for multiline text.

I don’t have your gui styles so i can’t say if it’s related to them. Maybe you set “scrollPosition” constantly to a fix value?