I created a Guilayout UI and i can’t display images (jpg or png) for specific folder. (only one image)
There is something that i ought not understand.
I’ve my path :
“C:/ …/Assets/Folder/file.png” (I tried complete and partial)
and i try to use something like : Resources.Load
but when trying to convert in texture nothing displayed…
Does someone can help me before I became completely mad?
I’ve already done the bigest part with GuiLayout, and it’s maybe curious, but I want to use guilayout :
I need to add elements dynamically and i dont wanna switching between “scene” windows and Monodevelop every time…
For now, it’s not really for game development but for something like a mediaplayer.
The aim is to separate windows in 2 (30-70), image at left and informations (duration, date…) at right.
Dynamic elements are pretty easy in the new UI. Check out some of the tutorials linked in my signature.
Anyway @hpjohn has the right of it, you can’t access assets by name at runtime unless they are in the resources folder. The other way is to simply expose a variable to the inspector and assign a reference to the specific asset.
Thank you, I thought I could access all the Assets folder. I did not know I need a resource folder for the runtime.
I’m in a hurry right now, but I will try the new ui when I’ll have more time.