GUILayout in the GUI 4.6 ?


I have many data to display … in the old GUI , I was using GUILayout .

how can I make GUILayout in the new Unity GUI 4.6 ?

			GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height-50),"","Box");
			ScrollLobby = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(ScrollLobby,GUILayout.Width(Screen.width-20));
				for ( int i = 0   ; i <= ContentCount-1 ; i++)
					GUILayout.Label( , ContentsID *);*
  •  			if ( GUILayout.Button( "Delete" ) )*

_ DeleteContent( “delete” , ContentsID*);_
GUILayout.EndScrollView(); _
thanks in advance

The best way to make a GUI using the new 4.6 layout is via creating a canvas in the hierarchy versus scripting. There are several good videos that show you how to do this but the best way to learn might be to download the “5 Minute GUI v2.0” from the Unity Asset store for free (I’m not associated with it in any way). It has examples that show how to use Unity 4.6.