I’m having a little problem :?
I have my scene rendered normally, and on that scene i have 4 gui textures in it.
This gui textures have a script with a OnMouseOver attached to them.
This scene is rendered with the Main Camera.
Now, i have another camera (ortographic one), that i’m using as a minimap.
This camera render is very small, and renders the scene from above.
Now, the problem.
The gui textures react to the OnMouseOver in the second camera too.
I want to disable the gui textures in the second camera.
So, i did the following in the script that is attached to the gui textures, in the OnMouseOver function :
if(Camera.current == Camera.main)
//do what i need here
However, it seems Camera.current it’s not recognized.
My idea would be that the onMouseOver script would only run, if the camera currently rendering the scene would be the main camera.
What am i doing wrong ?