GUIs problem in iphone 3G and 4G

Hi everyone,

I've used GUI texture and GUI Text to make my layout, it works fine in iphone 3G.

But unfortunately, the position and scale of the images and content are totally wrong in iphone 4G.

Right now I just use 3D text to replace the GUI Text to solve that problem. But how about the GUI texture? Are there anythings can replace GUI Texture for putting images?

Or are there any java script can make the GUI Texture keep in the same place and same size, won't move around either iphone 3G or 4G?

Or I must make a 3D plane, and assign different material and put my images on it, is it the only way because I have so many images. Is it mean I have to make thousand 3d planes and thousand materials for putting thousand images?

Could anyone give me a big help? I 've already looked around many different places, but still don't understand the answers, sometimes is language problem , sometimes is programming problem.

Thank you so much~


If you use GUITextures and GUIText (as opposed to OnGUI functions), then you don't need any programming. Remove any pixel inset values from GUITexture and use the scale only, and uncheck "pixel correct" on GUIText and also use the scale instead. GUIText/Texture use viewport space, so (.5, .5) for example is always the middle of the screen at either resolution.