GuiScaler.js implementation

I’ve altered this in every way I could think of and still its not functional for me.
please someone help me! :slight_smile:

@script RequireComponent(GUITexture)

static private var size = 0.0;
// at what screen height should the texture be it's preset size (as setup in the inspector)?
static private var minAtScreenHeight = 384;
// at what screen height should the texture be fully scaled by maxFactor? 
static private var maxAtScreenHeight = 768;
static private var maxFactor = 2;

static function GetSize () : float
    if(size == 0)
        var factor = Mathf.InverseLerp(minAtScreenHeight, maxAtScreenHeight, Screen.height);
        size = Mathf.Lerp(1, maxFactor, factor);
    return size;

function Awake () 
    var mySize = GetSize();
    gui = GetComponent(GUITexture) as GUITexture;
    gui.pixelInset.x *= mySize;
    gui.pixelInset.y *= mySize;   
    gui.pixelInset.width *= mySize;   
    gui.pixelInset.height *= mySize;            

Seems to work, but the values in the inspector aren’t updated for some reason.
