Can someone please help?
I have converted the Point Score effect script from JS to C# and it wont apply a GUISkin.
here my code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PointScript : MonoBehaviour {
public float GetHitEffect;
public float targY;
public Vector3 PointPosition;
public int point;
public GUISkin gs;
void Start() {
PointPosition = transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-1,1),0,Random.Range(-1,1));
targY = Screen.height /2;
point = pickup.amount;
void OnGUI() {
Vector3 screenPos2 = (PointPosition);
GetHitEffect += Time.deltaTime*30;;
GUI.Label (new Rect (screenPos2.x+8 , targY-2, 80, 70), point + " coins");
void Update() {
targY -= Time.deltaTime*200;