GUISkin not applying?

Can someone please help?
I have converted the Point Score effect script from JS to C# and it wont apply a GUISkin.

here my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PointScript : MonoBehaviour {

    public float GetHitEffect;
    public float targY;
    public Vector3 PointPosition;
    public int point;
    public GUISkin gs;

    void Start() {
	    PointPosition = transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-1,1),0,Random.Range(-1,1));
	    targY = Screen.height /2;
        point = pickup.amount;

    void OnGUI() {
	    Vector3 screenPos2 = (PointPosition);
	    GetHitEffect += Time.deltaTime*30;;
	    GUI.Label (new Rect (screenPos2.x+8 , targY-2, 80, 70),  point + " coins");

    void Update() {
	    targY -= Time.deltaTime*200;

try rewriting this line;

like this = gs;

and change the variable

 public GUISkin gs;


 public GUIStyle gs;

Here are the docs

Nope, still not working.
I have the GUISkin in the script I have GUISkins applied in other places the same way but this is just being a pain atm.

Just use this code: = Resources.Load (“Whatever/PathAndName/GUISKIN”) as GUISkin; // Sets GUI skin ‘hardcoded’

or, in your case, simply: = gs; // Sets GUI skin ‘softcoded’

Yes, put it at line 21, instead of;, which you dont need.

tried that still didnt work :c