GUIStyle.DrawWithTextSelection : How to use ?

I’m trying to use this function : GUIStyle.DrawWithTextSelection

void OnGUI ()
		text = new GUIContent ("I want select this part by code");
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) {
			myLabelID = GUIUtility.GetControlID (text, FocusType.Keyboard, rect); ("MyLabel").DrawWithTextSelection (rect, text, myLabelID, 5, 10);

It draw my text, but with no selection. What i missed ? :frowning:

Due to internal bug, the selection is displayed only if setting GUIUtility.keyboardControl.

Try this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// Selection test.
/// Author: Danko Kozar
/// </summary>
public class SelectionTest : MonoBehaviour {
	private GUIContent _text;
	private Rect _rect = new Rect(100, 100, 200, 150);
    void OnGUI ()
	    _text = new GUIContent ("I want select this part by code");
	    if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) {
		    int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID (_text, FocusType.Keyboard, _rect);
			GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id; // added, _text, id, 5, 10);