GUIText doesnt show after changing font

So i have 6 gui texts on one script and whenever i change any of their fonts to my custom font the gui text no longer appears. I have another script that has one gui text and i switched the font using the same method and that one works as expected. Not sure what the problem is exactly, if it makes a difference im on 3.4, heres my code

//**Doesnt Work**\\

for(var i:int=0;i<gTexts.length;i++)
    var go=new GameObject("CounterText"+i);
    var tex=go.AddComponent(GUIText);



Debug.Log(tex.font); //Output: ’ MyFont (UnityEngine.Font) ’
//** Works **\

var ngo=new GameObject(“Frames Per Second”);

Please help, thanks!

So… it seems that as long as the ‘font’ call is before the ‘material.color’ call ALL will work as expected. Not sure if this is a 3.4 bug, or an even more dire bug in the unity3d framework. If anyone knows if this bug is persistent in 3.5+ let me know. If no response in a cpl days i will post a bug report.

Thanks community, even tho no one posted before the solution was found. This is one of the best forums/community to be apart of.

I hope this helps someone in dire need of GUI Text font help.