GUIText scrolling and/or masking?

Hi Guys,

I have a GUI system I built base on OnGUI but its way too slow/expensive. So Ive started recording it based on GUIText and GUITexture but Ive run into a bit of a stumbling block. I need to scroll the text. I can do a “chunky” scroll by re-writing the liens of text up and down, but thats not a very adequate solution. Is there any way to scroll GUIText by playing with UV coords somehow?



you could try making a pic of the text you want to display and do a Scrollbar with a DrawTexture


var scrollPosition : Vector2 =;
function OnGUI () {
    scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView (Rect (0,0,900,120), scrollPosition, Rect (0, 0, 820, 110));
    GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(10,10,100,100), aTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 0);
    GUI.EndScrollView ();