GUITexture invisible when running on the iPhone


I can see my GUITextures in my menu screen (which contains no 3D) but not in my game levels on top of the 3D scene. When I run the project in Unity, I see the GUITextures, but not when I run the game on the iPhone.

What am I missing ?

Karl Sigiscar.

could they be too big for ram? or unsupported compression format for iphone?

are it guitextures attached to a gameobject, or drawn in OnGUI() function?


I tried with 16 x 16 pixel textures with an alpha.

I added them using GameObject > Create Other > GUI Texture.

Karl Sigiscar.

What texture format is selected on that texture? RGBA 16 bit is probably what you want.

I found out it was the texture coordinates that were wrong. I saw that when selecting the iPhone wide format in the Game view in Unity. So the textures would appear on screen in the Scene view but offscreen in the Game view.