Hello Unityrs,
I have 2 cameras: one main camera(first controller) and another one (Top view camera) which shows me the top view of my scene. So, I want to add a GUITexture on this second one. So, I selected it in the Hierarchy and Component->GUITexture. The camera has now a new component to which I assigned the texture. But I can’t see it :((
what could be the problem? what should I check out?
Many Thanks.
(working from memory), you have a render texture, you have assigned this render texture to an object or GUItexture, you have assigned the camera to that render texture, you have set the viewport settings to share the screen between the two cameras, and you have accounted for the depth setting on the camera (which has skybox by default)? That should about do it.
You wouldn’t add a GUITexture as a component of a camera. It should be a separate object.
But in that case if I add a GUITexture as an object, it will be visible to all the cameras I have.
Ah, this is where you use layers to specify what each camera can or can’t see.
Uhm… still a bit unclear, but I’ll give it a try.
Thanks for the help
I had a similar problem, disabling the guiLayer component on one of my cameras fixed it. Hope it helps!