I am getting really, really, annoyed right now. When I move the parenting of a GUITexture and assign the GUITexture to a script, it will be really glitched in that if I enable it, it won’t appear, even though it’s saying it is enabled.

I know for a fact that the pixel size and offset stuff work right to appear because it showed before I moved the object that way, and after I moved the object it still had the same properties as it did before.

My game does not look for the GUITexture by something like “Hierarchy>GUI_Stuff>GUITexture”, but of “var guiThing:GUITexture”, so it does find the GUITexture object, and it does enable it, but yet the GUITexture will not physically appear and I have no idea why.

I don’t understand it at all, and please tell me if anybody else is getting a problem like this or if there is a solution to it.

GUITEXTURES ARE NOT GLITCHED. (Hey, if you can do all-caps, so can I!) It seems you simply don’t understand them. They use viewport coordinates, so if they are outside the 0…1 range they will not appear.