How would I make a HUD/GUI to show the amount of ammo my gun has as a number in the bottom right corner of the screen? If the gun has shot 30 times, not sure how to identify this it has to wait for the reload to Finnish before it goes back up to 30 and you can shoot ammo again. I haven’t a clue about GUI’s or how they work and im not sure how hard this would be to do, can anyone help me?
That shouldn’t be too hard to do… I would recommend having a look at the unity script reference.
If you already have a script checking the ammo/reloading etc, then you can use the variables from that script and display them in a GUI. To create a simple label, you can use this:
function OnGUI () {
GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), "This is some text");
Then you can replace the “This is some text” part with your ammo variable… Hope this helped