Gun difficulties

Alright, so im trying to make a gun(and its working btw) but i have no idea how to make an option in the script to make it pump, automatic, or burst. all i can get it to do is semi-automatic.

var bullet : Rigidbody;
var power : float = 1500;
var damage : float = 100;
var reloadtime : float = 4; // this reload time is too long!
var magcount : int = 10;
var magbulletcount : int = 21;
var bulletcount : int = 0;

private var reloadTimer: float = 0.0; // internal reload timer
function Start () {
bulletcount = magbulletcount;
function Update(){
if (reloadTimer > 0){ // if reloadTimer active...
reloadTimer -= Time.deltaTime; // decrement it
if (reloadTimer <= 0){ // if reloadTime ended...
bulletcount = magbulletcount; // load a full clip...
magcount--; // and decrement clip count
else // only shoot when reloadTimer not active
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")&& bulletcount > 0){
var instance: Rigidbody = Instantiate(bullet, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
var fwd: Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
instance.AddForce(fwd * power);
bulletcount --;
if (bulletcount <= 0 && magcount > 0){
// if run out of ammo but still have clips...
reloadTimer = reloadtime; // activate reloadTimer
// you can play reload sound or animation here

Any help here guys?

Why don’t you use an enum to state the type of gun? Since you are using UnityScript, I will provide help in UnityScript :3
Make an enumerator as the one below:

    enum GunType{
       SemiAuto, FullAuto

Then make an instance of that enum. Set it to the default gun type, whichever that is. Then you should be able to edit this instance within the Unity3D editor. Then, in your shooting part, check what type the enum is, and set the appropriate firing type. Say, to make it FullAuto, you would use Input.GetButton instead of Input.GetButtonDown. If you do not know how to use Input, you need to ask something WAY simpler than this.