Guns Magazine Filling Itself

My gun script is causing my gun to randomly fill up the max ammo, and I’m not sure why.

var projectile : Rigidbody;
var speed = 10;
var Ammo = 6;
var Reloading : boolean = false;
var TexturesToLoad : Texture2D[];
var guiTex : GUITexture;

function Start()
	guiTex.texture = TexturesToLoad[6];

function Update () {
	guiTex.texture = TexturesToLoad[Ammo];
	if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) 
		if (Ammo >0)
			clone = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, transform.rotation);
			clone.velocity = transform.TransformDirection( Vector3 (0, 0, speed));
			Destroy (clone.gameObject, 3);
			Ammo -= 1;
			Reloading = true;
	if (Input.GetButtonDown("Reload"))
		Reloading = true;

function Reload()
	yield WaitForSeconds(5);
	Ammo = 6;
	Reloading = false;

The problem is the ‘else’ on line 26. Since this is in Update(), this else will be executed every frame until ‘Ammo’ is on longer zero. You have a 5 second wait time in your Reload(). Running at 60 FPS, you will call Reload approximately 300 times before ‘Ammo’ is increased. And each call is a new coroutine that will wait for 5 seconds and then reset ammo to 6. You can fix your problem by changing line 26 to 30 to:

else if (!Reloading)
    Reloading = true; 