UPDATE: Due to the significant changes to this project, I’m creating a brand new post, rather than updating this, to avoid confusing anyone new to the thread. Thanks again for everyone who gave me valuable input here. As a result, the final game will have the option to turn children and blood/gore ON/OFF!
NOTE: There is an ongoing conversation about this on the Guts and Glory Steam Concepts page as well.
So, I’ve been working on this project over the past year and really want to know what my fellow game devs think. This is my first project. I spent about 6 months doing tutorials and messing around, then about 12 months in my very limited spare time building this. I’ve got all the core gameplay mechanics in place, and now just have to flesh it out with more content, a level editor, a back-end system, etc.
Here’s the “teaser” announcement trailer:
I have removed the original video. Please see the new post instead. Thank you.
I just put everything on my website a couple days ago, and just posted it to Steam Concepts yesterday (any votes/comments there would be freakin’ awesome too). I shotgun announced it on social media but still need to put a real marketing plan into place, and network, and get the word out there… probably the hardest part of being in this industry.
However, now I’m panicking! I’m worried that nobody will like it, or care, or even know about it! I had a stupid fantasy in my head that the world would go ga-ga over this and it would go viral overnight. I know I have a lot of marketing and networking to do to get the word out there, but right now I’m just worried that I should have been getting feedback much earlier on–to make sure people even want a game like this. To see if there’s even demand for a game like this. I made the mistake of keeping my project under wraps for way too long and now I’m hoping I didn’t waste my time!
So… all that being said, I really hope y’all will take a moment to review this work-in-progress, and let me know what you think. I’m not looking for any “pick-me-ups”, but just honest feedback and ideas. Does it look fun? Will people want to buy a game like this? What’s good? What’s bad? Ideas for marketing this and getting lots of people to even know about it? To get votes on Steam, etc?
I greatly appreciate any input you have and will love you forever if you help share this project with others!
I have removed the original screenshots. Please see the new post instead. Thank you.
For lots more info, feel free to check out my website. There’s social media links on there as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have an awesome day!