my game is a 2d game for cellphone android, but for some reason when it reachs the menu the video doesnt execute and them the app crash but in the pc version everything works fine i mean the menu video…
detail: i have puted my video in a cube a non 2d object dont know if that is abad thing because in the pc worked fine
How are you playing the video?
my guess would be some kind of plugin from the asset store, probably with libraries/dll’s for playing the video. But does it have libraries for iOS/Android? check the documentation.
Contact the creator of the plugin and ask about mobile support.
second possibility…memory… how big is the video, and what hardware are you running it on, does it have enough ram to load the video? are you loading the whole video into memory or streaming it?
Sorry I cant be more specific without more info…
Your video should not be on a 3D game object in the first place,it should be on a 2D blank sprite if you just need it as a part of a menu background . And make sure that in the canvas object. scaling is set with screen size or make sure that the sprite is visible in that resolution. However, as mentioned above, this can really be due to a lot of things.