H-Trace: Global Illumination and Occlusion [DEPRECATED]

Hi, May I ask when will you release it? Maybe like one month later?

Can’t wait too long cause we know as long as this GI solution gets famous, it will be abandoned suddenly. Like all other beautiful GI solutions in the forum (we all know the reason ;)):

1. __ SEGI (Fully Dynamic Global Illumination) __
2. __ HXGI Realtime Dynamic GI __
3. __https://github.com/Looooong/Unity-SRP-VXGI__
4. __ Completely Real Time Global Illumination Using Light Propagations __
5. __https://github.com/ninlilizi/Nigiri__
6. __ [WIP] MadGoat SSGI (ScreenSpace Global Illumination) __

Anyway, We hope you can release it soon ,then update it on the Asset Store. Oherwise keep waiting is such a painful thing for us, since all other GI were dead during long waiting.

Once you release it I’ll buy it at first time.I think many people would agree with me, we don’t want to wait anymore.We don’t care the thinckness feature cause your GI solution is good enough for now (with fallback to reflection probe feature, it can create Great visuals with high performance,that’s totally enough for commercial project).

Best regards.