Hair geometry shader for HDRP 2019.3


Experiment with geometry shader for HDRP. Tested on 2019.3 only. Hairs now use normals from base geometry, no Kajiya-Kay or something, working on it.
Project source: GitHub - tirioko/HairAndFurHDRP


Nice, you may want to add some license to the github though so people can tell what they can do with it :slight_smile:

Thank you, added

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May I ask what commit of LitTessellation.shader were you using as a base? I want to compare changes between Unity and your version of that file.

I completely rewrite the code, now hairs are created using compute shaders, not tesselation, and have dynamics. New system is available in assetstore:
forum thread is here: [RELEASED] Yak - Hair and fur system for Unity