hair shaders?

Where can I find a good quality hair shader?? I found quite a few lacking lately. Can anyone point me out to a high quality hair shader for Unity 5? thank you.

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not that i know of, most of them are paid assets.

i’m looking for simple diffuse hair shaders myself, actually

When you say Hair Shader, do you mean An-isotropic Shading ? Or are you looking for a dynamics, movement shader ?

i’m looking for isotropic, or something that is decent for my character’s hair. though the hair really doesn’t move at all, i’m looking for something that could do fine strands of hair, ( this is a fine texture with hair layers.

vegetation works for this, the only thing is, it’s too dark and it clips the hair’s texture with other objects’ textures.

i’ve tried many shaders and only just a hand full have come close, but not quite.

the best one i have come across was a cutout mobile, but it had an issue.

but it has to change the color of the hair, mainly because the player can pick hair colors.

( cutoutMob shader ) - it shows the model’s head through the mesh.

i made a post on the unity questions about it, with posted images of the problem.

I’m just doing the research recently, basically the hair is seen as a cylinder thus the lighting should be calculated via tangent instead of normal. Two common hair model are Kajiya, the simple model, and Marschner, a more complex model. Marschner’s result is pretty decent but too complex for me, still trying to figure it out how to applied those fomula into the pre-calculated look up textures.