Hair tool

Hair tool is a plugin for creating animated human hair. To set it up you need a hair geometry mesh, and a few minutes to configure. Hair consist of nearly 20000 individual stands. Up to 500 of them are simulated with a physics engine, others are tesselated and interpolated.

Physics are implemented with a custom engine based on Verlet integration, and executed on GPU (Compute Shader). You can configure elasticity, gravity, and curveness in editor. Colliders can be added to bones. Unity WindZone component is supported.

Lighting is based on Kajiya-Kay reflection model. You can configure color and specular facor in editor.

Shadows are implemented as a Unity shadow caster pass. Shadow receiving will be added with the next update.

Editor is Blender. 3dmax support will be added in next build.

Plans for the next update:

  • Shadows receiving.
  • Self shadowing by deep shadow map.

Asset Store:


Performance Test:


Very cool.
Looking forward to Max integration.

Looks great. Are you planning on releasing any tools for Maya? Are you also able to style hair within Unity as well? I would also love to see a video of performance of long hair, using multiple colliders for the shoulders, arms, chest, etc.


Wow this looks promising, and I appreciate the blender integration.
What sort of hardware is this running on? Are you going to release a demo application?

I’ll definitely be following this.

Is there any chance it could work on Linux? I know it requires DX11 for now, but I had to purchase it and try it anyway, as I was quite eager to see any option to make Blender hair to work with Unity.

I really wish future versions could run on Linux version of Unity. Anyway, Thanks for the nice work!

I plan to add long hair style with the next build. I’m not sure about Maya, I’ll think about this. At now I’m working on plugin for 3d max.


I run it on nvidia gtx 960. Yes I’ll upload the demo with a new buld next week.

Unfortunately dx 11 applications can’t run on linux. But I’m working on hair for slower devices even mobile.

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Can you style the hair in Unity, or do i need to use Blend or Max when it’s available?

You need Blender. 3ds max will be added soon.
I was trying to add ability to style hair inside unity. But it was fail.

This is a really nice work, I like where you go with that.

Got 2 questions.

First one, how much draw call or polygon this can take on a character? (Approximation)

Number two, can we use this for mustache or beard?

  1. it use 2 draw calls. 1 draw call for hair and 1 for shadow. and it can have from 50000 to 5000000 and more polygons. depends from your settings.
  2. Yes hair can grow on any part of face and body
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MaxScript: GitHub - andrii-shpak/HairToolExtentions

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Awesome! Now we need a Maya plugin/tutorial… :slight_smile:

Long hair style. Underwater physics.

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It looks great! Has any anti-aliasing been applied to the scene? I’m wondering if it’s possible to soften up the hair edges at their tips.

At now I plan only Maya support.

This video has bad quality, actually it looks much better. I will publish demo build soon.
And yes it is without anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing can be added as post process.

Love to see a demo!

This looks fantastic! I would encourage you to make the file format information available so users can add support for their 3d app of choice. I would buy this but you do not support the 3d app I use (Houdini).