Hair Tool

Hair tool is a plugin for creating animated human hair.

Physics are implemented with a custom engine based on Verlet integration, and executed on GPU (Compute Shader). You can configure elasticy, gravity, drag, and curveness in editor. Sphere Colliders can be added to bones so it interacts with body a realistically. Unity WindZone component is supported.

Lighting is based on Kajiya-Kay reflection model. You can configure color and specular facor in editor.

Shadows are implemented as a Unity shadow caster pass.

Editor is integrated in Unity. Also you can create hair geometry with Blender and 3dmax.

Asset Store
Web Page


Glad to see this asset got an official forum thread. :slight_smile:

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Damm it!!! so goood this asset, I’m having a nerdgasm with the new videos…

Hey mate, after our long bugfixing with long hair, I occured some AO problems together with your hair tool.
I don’t know if this is already solved with 1.1.0 and I will try it out the next days.
Just wanted to give you a heads up. I will try to provide you some screenshots, maybe you can find out if this is a problem on the AO solution side or some bug with the hair shader.

Manes and tails … :wink:

This looks promising but…

Getting the error:

Assertion failed on expression: (!transfer.IsRemapPptrTransfer() && transfer.IsReadingPPtr())

On the latest version.

Also, when HairSettings script is applied and the GeometryProvider is not present, the GUI spams NullReferenceExceptions.

I wish for the love all things holy, developers would CHECK FOR NULLS and deal with them.

For gods sake, it’s not difficult. Page 1 of programming book for newbies.

This was a relatively expensive asset to purchase and I really wish that appropriate QC is applied before it is submitted to the asset store.

You know me so wel :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now I am really waiting for some showcase of your Horse Animset Pro together with Hair Tools!
I own both and damn, that would be awesome if you would provide seperate working hair models for those neat horses :hushed:

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Can I go back to 1.0? This version is full of bugs and there is ZERO documentation!

I will make some videos soon I really want to play with this tool :smile:

When can we expect an update on this?

There is already LOD. Can’t say anything about the rest as I am using the scalp way with 3DS Max

Edit: Never mind. I was using my laptop today that apparently still had Unity 5.4 installed. User error.

I’ll finish documentation tomorrow. Sorry for delay.
You should use unity 5.5.0
Previous versions had much more bugs.

Yes it support skinned mesh renderer

This assertions is unity but. You cant instantiate compute shader without getting this message.

Thanks, I missed it. I’ll fix it in new update.

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Will this work with the Daz3d Models? What about the Daz3d Hair assets for those models?

This is completely different hair, so you can use it with any model you have, but you must either use the hair style samples that come with this or make your own.

I use hair tool v1.1.0 in unity5.5.
But,when i assign collider to my model, it’s hair will be aflo.
(My model file scale is 0.999)
Please tell me how to fix it.


Try to degrease HairSettings/PhysicsSettings/StandRadius
Here is tutorials: