Half of UI isn't working

I’ve been using Unity for my GUI class project. It’s basically a Flow Free knockoff, and it’s completely done except when you complete a level, a UI comes up, which consists of a GUI text, and 3 buttons: previous level, next level, and home. The home and previous level buttons work, but the next level button does not register the mouse click, and I cannot figure out why/how to fix it. I’ve attached a screenshot if you wish to see what it looks like in the editor.

I’m guessing you checked that the Next image is not at the same Depth (Z), as the Background image Depth (Z)?

Both the Previous and Next buttons have the same transform (other than the X-pos)

What UI Framework is this ? is this Unity UI or some new Inspector UI for or ? I havent seen that type of inspector editor before ?

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i’m working on a custom UI as a passion project as I’m learning Unity3D. link

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LOL The slogan on the front page of the assetstore screenshot is so funny and cool! :smiley: “You never had so much power” :slight_smile: Keep up the good work.

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There has to be other UI elements (hidden?) that reside higher/closer to the raycast source.
Or even exactly at the same Depth (z) as the Next element.

I’m wondering if anyone has a script for unityUI that show what’s under the mouse when interacting with the GameView.

ex: Mouse Over Info in GameView (top-right)

having that Mouse Over panel can help in some situations when you’re not sure what the mouse raycast is Actually hitting. :[

I figured part of it out, but I’m not understanding why. Both the Previous and Next buttons use the same source image, but they had a different rotation to them. If I reset the rotation of the Next button to [0, 0, 0] (was [0, 180, 0]), it works, but then my arrow is facing the wrong direction. Why does changing the rotation make the button unusable?

The button will stop working if the canvas has “Ignore Reversed Graphics” set to true in the GraphicRaycaster component. Note that by default this will be set to true. If you need the graphic to be flipped horizontally, I would suggest setting the scale on the X axis to -1 rather than rotating the image on the Y axis. You will get the same visual result without having to worry about the graphic being considered reversed by the Graphic Raycaster.

Ok, that worked. Thanks TrickyHandz! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind for next time