Just looking at the picture it looks unnatural. Try holding your hand in that shape with the three fingers straight as a board. It really pulls on your muscles. If this is supposed to simulate a hands natural movements then the three fingers need to curl up a little bit
Sweet! Lol just as I’m about to release my game with it. Maybe I’m gonna have to spend some time upgrading. That or something for the sequel. Thanks for making the changes.
I like what i see…it great!. However, i’m pretty new to Unity and want to know if it can be all controlled via animation with code without user involvement. So for something like chess, the animation can pick a pawn up and drop it at a specified location. Is this possible with this asset?
Hi.Sure it is possible since the package contains rigged hand model. Note that in this asset hand is driven by the physics, not the animation. So you’ll have to make an animations and write your own code to achieve what you want.
I works with your assets and I would like to integrate this with a full body. The goal is to control just the hand in VR but the physics with objects not work correctly.
I have already integrate the gesture of grabbing but when I want to grabs objects, the physics and the collison no works correctly.