Hand Physics Controller

Make your own hand simulator game with this physics-based hand controller! Completely ready to use.

  • Fully configurable
  • Smooth controls and accurate interaction with objects
  • Fully rigged left and right hand models (1055 verts, 1730 tris, 2048x2048 PBR textures)
  • Works on any platform

WebGL Demo
Asset Store



  • All code is fully refactored and improved. Added comments and tips to almost all public members
  • No more negative scale values which caused unexpected physics behaviour
  • Added more flexible configuration for Hand Physics Controller and Finger Part components
  • New optimized and realistic-looking hand models with PBR textures


  • Package is now compatible with Unity 5

](Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making)

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Nice work dude. Very interessting.
will keep an eye on this :wink:

Lol this is great, will it be possible to control our own custom hands???

Just looking at the picture it looks unnatural. Try holding your hand in that shape with the three fingers straight as a board. It really pulls on your muscles. If this is supposed to simulate a hands natural movements then the three fingers need to curl up a little bit

You can use your own hand model. Of course, this model must to be rigged with original bones from Hand.fbx file that will be in package.

I agree, some motions of the hand looks unrealistic. But for the player it will be not very noticeable I think :slight_smile:

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This package is now avaliable in Asset Store!

I play around with it. Heee Heee XD

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This is not working in Unity 5 for me.

Hi. Unity 5 has some changes in Configurable joint component which used in hand physics. I’m trying to figure it out. Check for updates.

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Now compatible with Unity 5!

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Sweet! Lol just as I’m about to release my game with it. Maybe I’m gonna have to spend some time upgrading. That or something for the sequel. Thanks for making the changes.

Been using the Hand Physics Kit for this game. Have to say its easily the best hand physics on the market.

Major update!

v1.1 changes

  • All code is fully refactored and improved. Added comments and tips to almost all public members
  • No more negative scale values which caused unexpected physics behaviour
  • Added more flexible configuration for Hand Physics Controller and Finger Part components
  • New optimized and realistic-looking hand models with PBR textures

NOTE: For everyone who already implemented this asset in their project I highly recommend to delete old asset files before updating to 1.1

I like what i see…it great!. However, i’m pretty new to Unity and want to know if it can be all controlled via animation with code without user involvement. So for something like chess, the animation can pick a pawn up and drop it at a specified location. Is this possible with this asset?

Hi.Sure it is possible since the package contains rigged hand model. Note that in this asset hand is driven by the physics, not the animation. So you’ll have to make an animations and write your own code to achieve what you want.

has anyone used this asset with leap controllers?

Hi. This asset has no integration with leap motion, unfortunately.

Hi !

I works with your assets and I would like to integrate this with a full body. The goal is to control just the hand in VR but the physics with objects not work correctly.
I have already integrate the gesture of grabbing but when I want to grabs objects, the physics and the collison no works correctly.

Have you a solution ?
Thanks !