Handling 4 player local multiplayer with keyboard/mouse & gamepads

Using the normal input manager I have been able to setup controls that will allow single player mode to use Joystick 1, or Keyboard/Mouse. For 2 player local, you can use Joystick 1 & Joystick 2, or the left half of the keyboard and the right half of the keyboard, or something like Joystick 1 (for player 1) and the right half of the keyboard (for player 2).

Where I am running into a wall is how to handle if player 1 wants to be on keyboard/mouse, but player 2 wants to use the joystick? In this example, with the way I have the input setup, if only a single joystick is plugged in it will also register for Player 1. You would need to have two joysticks plugged in for player 2 to use a joystick.

Same for 4 player, it’s currently all hard coded, so if you want 4 players you would need to literally have 4 joysticks.

I’m probably doing this all wrong :slight_smile: However, without buying a $50 controller pack from the Asset Store, is there a way to better assign input at runtime? Is it possible to provide the option if only one joystick is plugged in to assign it to player 2 (or 3)?


This is free and will do everything you need it to do and more.

well I have a way. you can actually go into the edit then the project settings then go to input and wola a way to put in controls